Hi~~来更新啦,感觉情节要不要有点变化呢?新人物出现,看看会不会有什么火花呢?希望大家多多支持! ----------------- 两人高潮后躺在床上,空气中弥漫着性爱和汗液的味道,李晗的嫩穴仍然有一股一股的精液流淌出来,Luis摩挲着李晗的后背,“How do you feel Han?” “Good, and tired…what about yourself?” “Yeh, feel great”,说罢Luis起身抱起李晗去往浴室,两人一同冲洗掉身上残留的爱液,Luis冲洗着李晗的私密处,亲吻着她的花丛… 出来浴室,李晗套上宽松的T恤,Luis穿着内裤,两人准备做晚饭… Luis问道“ Hey Han, we talk for a sed?” “Sure, what’s up?” “Do you like me? How do you think about me?” “Yeh, I like you. I think you are really sweet~” “Do you want to be in a serious relationship with me?” “Hmmm why you ask? Hmmm I’m not sure, we just knew each other, of course we get along very well, I know that. But I’m not sure if I want to be in a serious relationship so soon… also actually I inteo date some different people, didn’t know we get along so well…” “Ok… you want to date different people? Like what kind of?” “I don’t know… I guess the point is just I didn’t think about getting into a relationship so soon, and I do like you tho.” “Ok, got it…”Luis准备穿上衣服离开。 “ Aren’t you gonna stay and have diogether?” “No Han, I uand what you mean. But I need some time, will call you later okay?”说完Luis亲吻了李晗的额头便离开了。 其实李晗不知道自己想要什么,Luis人相处起来挺好的,但是自己仿佛还没有准备好的样子。Luis就这么离开了,心里也很失落,换了衣服便去楼下附近的餐厅随便吃一点吧。 到了餐厅李晗点了一杯鸡尾酒,餐厅的厨房是开放式的,可以看见厨师们烹饪,李晗坐在吧台漫无目的的盯着厨房的厨师们,里面有一个厨师看起来很享受自己所做的,很有激情的样子,人长得高高的,脸上很干净,挺帅气的,李晗就盯着他,厨师或许察觉到别人的眼光,抬头和李晗对视了,向李晗抛出一个媚眼,继续做着自己的事情,李晗便举起酒杯空中cheer了一下。 喝完一杯,李晗点了一杯红酒,点了一份牛排,内心有点乱,在想过去几天和Luis的瞬间,两人在沙滩上,浴室里,他的家里,自己的家里做过的性爱,一次又一次的高潮,聊过的天,说过的话,一直在脑海里回旋。 先就这样吧,这里的帅男人多的去了,不能总吊在一棵树上吧。牛排上来了,李晗食欲一下子上来了,忘掉不开始的事,专心的吃吃吃。牛排快要吃完了,自己身旁坐了一会个人,抬头一看竟然是厨房里的那个厨师。 “Hi my name is Joe, head chef of the restaurant, o meet you” “Hi..I’m Han, o meet you too. Isn’t that too young to be a head chef” “Well you tell me, how the steak tastes?” “Mmmm actually it tastes pretty good, juicy and cooked perfect!”, 李晗喝掉酒杯里最后的红酒, 还没开口点下一杯,Joe已经帮忙点了一杯。 “ You look sad, sitting here drinking and having dinner by yourself.” “Yeh, kind of, but not a big deal. How long you been w here?” “Hmm, 5 years? That’s my restaurant actually.” “Wow, that’s impressive” “What about you?” “I’m an engineer, just moved here from a few weeks ago.” “I see, how do you like here? Is everyone o you?” “Yeh, most are haha” “Alright, cheers for your new adventure.”两人说完便干杯将酒饮尽…