Luis想着昨天李晗讲提到的那个厨师,心里也想去看看,于是问道” do you want to tact your chef later?”擦掉李晗嘴角的面包碎,眼睛微笑的看着她。 “Are you sure about this baby?”李晗抬头看着Luis,内心有点小纠结。 “Yes, I’m certain. And I will be there for you.” 李晗拿出手机,找到Joe 的电话,发出消息“Hi Joe, it’s Han. How are you doing?” “Hey Han, I’m good. Resting for weekend. How about yourself?” Luis看到对方的回复,接过李晗的手机帮她回复“Are you ied in something different? I have a boyfriend, but I wonder if you join us sometime today? Have some fun ;) “ “Wow! Really? I’m very happy to join. Maybe you see who’s better ;)” “Haha let’s see, I’m sure I’m the one who have the most fun~ we see you at A bar, do you want to meet up later?” “Sure, let me shower and up. I’ll be there at 3pm.” “Yes, see you later~~” Luis看着李晗,双手放在翘臀上揉捏着,”look someone is getting double fucked tonight huh?” 李晗听着开始害羞起来了,虽然想尝试坐在不同的阴茎上,但是性福来的有点太快… “I’m actually quite nervous Luis, not sure if it’s a good idea” “It’s okay baby girl, if you don’t want it later, let me know. I’m always here for you, you know that “ “Ok let’s see”李晗踮脚轻轻的啄了一下Luis 的唇,依偎在他的怀里。 虽然不知道一会的三人行会不会发生,但是李晗还是决定好好打扮一下,穿的性感一点,她拿出了自己的黑色包臀连衣短裙,配上一双黑色的高跟鞋,用发簪将头发箍起,很轻的淡妆,浅粉的腮红和浅紫色的眼影,嘴唇上是艳丽的口红,给人一种冷漠和狂野并存的感受。 Luis 在沙发上静静地看着李晗,“not sure if I will fuck you again before we go out again “,指着自己的裤裆,鼓起了一个大包。 “Oh baby, you are horny again~ why not jerk yourself by looking at me?”李晗对着Luis眨眼。 “Mmmm I surely do that, don’t want to mess up your make up~”Luis脱下裤子,阴茎弹出来展现在眼前,“speak something naughty to me baby girl” “Mmmm daddy~ your cock is so big, you fucked me so well” “Oh yeh? You love it don’t you?” “You know I love it daddy, I love boung on your cock~ do you like my tight pussy?” “Fuck yeh girl, your pussy is so tight”Luis的手加快了速度… “Daddy, I’m your slutty girl, want to get fucked by you over and over. Fill up my pussy ~” “Fuck…..” 一股精液冲出龟头….